Robert Frost on Making Wise Decisions

“Observe both the things which come first and the things that follow; and then begin the act,” Epictetus wrote in his meditation on making wise decisions. This seems simple enough, yet many of us fail to heed the advice. Again, and again, and again we repeat the same mistakes, oblivious to our tendency to stand … Read more

Billy Collins Reads His Poem ‘After the Funeral’

“Look straight ahead / What’s there?” said Zen monk Bassui Tokusho moments before passing away. “If you see it as it is / you will never err.” This tender Japanese death poem would leave many of us utterly befuddled and awe-struck by its logic-shattering beauty and asking one simple question, “And then what?” Well, after … Read more

How to Read a Poem: Bill Murray Feat. Emily Dickinson

“The simplest definition of poetry is that it is what poets write,” Mortimer Adler wrote in his book about the most important life skill that our schools absolutely fail to teach us. “That seems obvious enough, and yet there are those who would dispute the definition.” Among those who oppose such simplicity, Adler notes, are … Read more

Excuse Me, I Have Work to Do: Mary Oliver’s Uplifting Calibration of Perspective in Her Poem ‘I Go Down to the Shore’

Excuse Me, I’ve Got Work to Do: Mary Oliver Reads Her Poem I Go Down to the Shore

“I love the stillness of early summer evenings downtown … the entire stretch along the quiet docks all of this comforts me with sadness when on these evenings I enter the solitude of their ensemble,” Fernando Pessoa wrote while finding calm amid uncertainty and disquiet. “In this moment of seeing, I suddenly find myself isolated, … Read more