Seneca on Moderation

What is moderation? Simple on the outside, this perennial question has infinite depth, and it’s up to us how deep we want to dive into finding its true meaning. In the age of smartphones, digital advertising, and invisible tracking systems that know intimate details of our online activities, it becomes harder and harder to resist … Read more

Richard Koch on 10 Golden Rules of Career Success

The 80/20 principle states that 80% of our best results stem from a mere 20% of our efforts, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. The 80/20 book shows how this distribution can benefit your life if applied to your career. In particular, it can help you find a place “where your name is … Read more

Isaac Asimov on Physical Violence

Studies show1 that our brains react to attacks on our beliefs the same way as threats to our physical safety. That’s why any civil discussion can end up in violence when you run out of arguments. It’s difficult to admit that you might be wrong, especially when facing an opponent who embodies everything that you … Read more