Kathryn Schulz on Being Wrong

You are wrong. I am wrong. From time to time, everyone is wrong about something or someone — and completely unaware of it. But wrongness, as it turns out, is not what you think it is. “Wrongness is a window into normal human nature — into our imaginative minds, our boundless faculties, our extravagant souls,” … Read more

Seneca, Epicurus on the Key to Happiness

What causes all unhappiness in our lives, and is there a way to overcome it? To answer this question, two and a half millennia ago, a young man named Siddhattha Gotama left his parents’ palace to become a wandering ascetic. After six years of extreme austerities and meditation, he attained enlightenment and expounded his famous … Read more

Oscar Wilde on Choosing Your Enemies

“We should choose for our friends men [and women] who are, as far as possible, free from strong desires,” Seneca wrote while contemplating friendship, “for vices are contagious, and pass from a man to his neighbor, and injure those who touch them.” Thinking about this timeless advice made me wonder about the opposite side of … Read more

How to Search Internet Archive for Public Domain Books

In this guide, you’ll learn how to search Internet Archive for public domain books. 1. Go to Internet Archive Search 2. In the search field enter the following text and click “Go” licenseurl:*publicdomain* AND Ernest Hemingway The “AND” tells the search engine all the items returned should have that license AND they should contain the … Read more